A daily practice

Image credit: Beautiful Planet Earth.

I'm working on a new habit.

When I wake and before falling asleep I reflect on my day.

What went well, what didn't, what things am I able to change, what is my work, what isn't my work and therefore not my business? What am I grateful for?

On special days (birthdays, holidays, and the new year), I take a longer pause to reflect and imagine how I'll approach the coming days. 

Here are questions I ask myself.

What were your triumphs today?

What not-so-hot patterns or reactions happened? (OH, I notice and then feel delight that I noticed. Because I can't change what I can't see in myself.)

What were your challenging moments? 

How will you nourish yourself?

What are your intentions? 
I think of intentions as seeds I plant to guide me in the way I respond to life's experiences, my children and family, and others.

Choose a phrase to guide your intention of how you'll live this day.

So that's my practice.

And, I remind myself I'm not alone. Here is an excerpt from Brené Brown's book, I Thought It Was Just Me (But it Isn't)

Cheryl, a good friend and colleague, told me her parenting goals are to be fun, strong, kind, knowledgeable, patient, and loving. She also knew it was unrealistic to be all these things at the same time.
When [Brené] asked what she did to meet these goals, she very confidently started listing simple, measurable (they happen or they don't), tangible objectives. She said: 
'I get sleep--I'm a better parent when I'm well rested.
Even though it's difficult, I keep my sons on schedules so they feel good.
I read a lot of parenting books--when they're good I use the advice, when they aren't, I don't.
When I see another parent doing something well, I ask him or her about it.
My husband and I go to parenting workshops.
I stay connected with my mothers' group.
I changed pediatricians several times until I found one who shares my values and gives me guidance I want and need.
I set boundaries with my work.
When someone criticizes my parenting, I have a support system of friends to talk about it.
I try to practice self-care by taking the time I need to replenish my own well. When my well is dry, I don't have anything else to give anyone.