Wisdom from the kids: 8 tips to make a peace table

"He's scared and tired. He needs the peace table." Zachary, five years old, draws a picture of a rabbit having some uncomfortable feelings. 

A peace table is a place in the home or classroom where children and adults go to calm, feel, or simply be. 

I tell the children in my Montessori preschool classroom that their families need help to make a peace table. I ask the questions. Here's what they say. 

1. What is a peace table?

[A place] to help me feel better.

[A place] to be quiet.

A safe place to be upset.

A place for all feelings.

To feel like what you have to feel like.

2. Who uses the peace table?



Teachers, children.

A brother in college.

My mom, dad, and brothers and sisters if they are mad.

Grandma and grandpa.



3. How many people go to the peace table at a time?

One. Go to be with yourself.

4. What can we tell them about the table?

First you need a down low table where you can sit and be by it, like to sit on a cushion on the floor and there you sit.

Make it out of wood. Paint it yellow. Make the legs short.

Or just put a blanket on the floor and pretend it's a table.

Sit on a cushion if you want.

It would have to be peaceful there. 

It would have to have things that make you feel better like a bunny or a bear.

5. What things on the table would help you feel better?

A fish swimming. I like to watch the fish.

Peace things like a heart so I can count on the love of my Mom and Dad at the peace table.

Soft things.

A "trouble doll" to give all your bad peace. Talk to the trouble doll.

Jar-Jar. He's goofy and makes me laugh.

A bear to hug and give your feelings.

A moving fluid to watch.

Smell the lavender. 

Clay to squish with your hands to get the anger out.

Old paper to tear up when I am frustrated feeling.

A mirror to see how I look in feelings.

Watch yourself pretend-chew. Chewing calms me.

A little pillow to put your forehead on for quiet feeling.

Breathe while you are there.


Have a love pouch to ask for a hug if you want one.

Have a listening pouch to ask someone to listen to you.

6. What kind of feelings does the peace table help?

Grumpiness, mad and sad, or just to feel grateful.

When you feel disgusted like when you see the insides of a dead animal outside or step in your dog’s poop.

When you feel worried or want to talk about your problems.

If someone takes your favorite toy without asking.

Crabby because or not because.

When you make mistakes.

To feel what you have to feel like.

Free flowing happy.

Feeling scared.

When you are crying, watching the fish helps.

I watch the little polar bear because it calms me down.

When I am feeling upset inside, I imagine I am a famous hockey player.

A little bell sound to shake.

Feelings like when my mom and dad laugh at me when I play hide and seek.

When my brother hurts me, I will go to the peace table and calm me.

When I worry sometimes I am afraid.

When my brother pretends he is a king cobra.

When I’m excited my birthday is coming.

7. How long do you stay at the peace table?

As long as you want.

A few minutes.

A long time.

8. Who decides when it is time to go to the peace table?

I do.

The person who needs peace thinks it is time to go.

Sometimes someone says, “Will the peace table help you?”

NOTES: Need more ideas. Check out my Peace Table Pinterest board

I originally posted this in 2010. I was a Montessori teacher in a preschool classroom (3 to 6 year olds) at the time.